Cross-Over-Linux/Win4Lin in CNB...
Are you thinking of making the move to GNU/Linux? Many new Linux users loose interest quickly because of the profound differences between Windows and Linux, and the lack of understanding there of . Yes, Linux does have a history of being a command line OS, but that is old news. At this point yes, you can still do a lot in a command console, but it's rarely necessary anymore for Freespire's GNU/Linux desktop users. GNU/Linux is generally faster for a given set of hardware specifications. This is due to greater optimization of the source code, including far less code bloat. You may be used to regularly defragment your hard drive under Windows. Under GNU/Linux, however, the file systems in use are extremely resistant to fragmentation so that this is completely unnecessary. Linux also reduces the need to upgrade or replace hardware when upgrading to newer versions. Freespire/Linspire does a stellar job detecting and configuring your hardware so that you don't have to. Its code is very efficient and compact, thus allowing it to work effectively on older computers that are not suitable for versions of Microsoft Windows Vista.
Linspire created a Click-N-Run warehouse and shopping mall, which many people viewed as a renaming of an apt-get repository. The CNR tool is simple for Linspire/Freespire desktop users. Each application has a description label and it is categorized for easy searching. By simply clicking on the green CNR button after selecting an application, the Linspire/Freespire desktop will download and install it and place the application's icon on the desktop and in the menus. The look and feel didn't conform to accepted Linux distributions.
It’s finally cool to switch to GNU/Linux. It has started shedding it’s image of being hard to use. So you have made the move to Freespire/Linspire, at this point, you may be thinking that while Linux does have a lot of desktop software, you have certain Windows software apps that you just can't be weaned off of. I understand; I'm in the same boat, in my case it's TurboTax. That's the reason I keep dual-booting. One reason many balk at switching to Linux is that they fear losing their favorite applications. After all, part of why Microsoft has such a stranglehold on enterprise OS deployments is the nearly ubiquitous use of applications like Outlook and PowerPoint. Even as replacements to these apps emerge, people then start worrying about their niche or industry-specific applications, which often have no Linux or Mac counterparts. I know there are Linux fanatics who will only use free (no cost) software. I think that attitude is absurd, myself. If there is a good commercially available application in Linux offered at a fair price, and I need it, then I'll buy it. For example, I have installed Cross-Over-Linux 6 & Win4Lin Pro, available via CNR download.
Win4Lin Pro allows you the ability to install and run Windows 2000 and Windows XP inside Linux. Win4Lin Pro compatibility in Linspire opens up a large Windows XP and 2000 user base to the world of desktop Linux. Win4Lin differentiates itself from desktop virtualization vendors by focusing on Windows virtualization and integration into the host Linux environment.
CrossOver Linux allows you to install many popular Windows productivity applications, plugins and games in Linux. CrossOver includes an easy to use, single click interface, which makes installing a Windows application simple and fast. Once installed, your application integrate seamlessly . Just click and run your application, exactly as you would in Windows, but with the full freedom of Linux. An advantage CrossOver Linux has, however, is that it doesn’t require Windows licenses. Win4Lin acts more as a virtualization tool, allowing the Windows OS to run as a guest over Linux, with the applications supported by the Windows OS. CrossOver Linux, on the other hand, relies on an API that allows the applications themselves to run as if natively.
For those who would love to switch to GNU/Linux, but can't do without Windows-only programs from companies like Adobe, Corel, and Microsoft, Win4Lin/CrossOver Linux are undoubtedly a solution to your dilemma. Paired with a good, hassle-free commercial GNU/Linux distribution like Linspire.
About CNR
CNR is a one-click digital software delivery service for desktop Linux applications, libraries and packages developed by Linspire, Inc. CNR allows desktop Linux users to find, install, uninstall, manage, and keep updated, thousands of free open source, as well as commercial software programs, on their desktop Linux computer, all with just one click. CNR is so easy to use, literally anyone can use it, of any age or computer skill level.
About Linspire & Freespire
Linspire, Inc. ( was founded in 2001 to bring choice into the operating system market. The company's flagship product, the Linspire operating system, is an affordable, easy-to-use Linux-based operating system distributed primarily pre-installed on PCs for home, school, and business users. Linspire pioneered CNR Technology, which allows Linspire users access to thousands of software programs, each of which can be downloaded and installed with just one mouse click. The thousands of software titles available in the CNR Warehouse ( include full office and productivity suites, games, multimedia players, photo management software, accounting tools, and more. Freespire ( is a community-driven, Linux-based operating system that combines the best that free, open source software has to offer (community driven, freely distributed, open source code, etc.), but also provides users the choice of including proprietary codecs, drivers and applications as they see fit. With Freespire, the choice is yours as to what software is installed on your computer, with no limitations or restrictions placed on that choice. How you choose to maximize the performance of your computer is entirely up to you.
About Win4Lin
Win4Lin is a leader in technology for creating Windows-on-Linux virtualization solutions targeted at developing competitive advantage for business. Win4Lin supplies Fortune 500 enterprises, educational institutions, SMB and desktop users with solutions that allow them to run the Windows desktop and Windows applications on Linux in true Windows sessions. For more information about Win4Lin and its products please visit
About CodeWeavers, Inc.:
Founded in 1996 as a general software consultancy, CodeWeavers today focuses on the development of Wine and other Linux programming solutions. The company's goal is to bring expanded market opportunities for Windows software developers by making it easier, faster, and more painless to port Windows software to Linux. CodeWeavers is recognized as a leader in open-source Windows porting technology, and maintains development offices in Minnesota, California, the Netherlands, and Germany. The company is privately held. For more information about CodeWeavers, log on to
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