Wednesday, August 30, 2006

"Click 'N Run": the undiscovered country.

BIG news indeed!!

Linspire Does Away with Annual Fee for "Click 'N Run" Linux Service Its now a FREE software delivery service designed for Linspire users that makes it easy to install Linux software. This means that every Freespire user can now use CNR for absolutely no charge. Linspire now removed one of the last objections anyone could have to trying Freespire and CNR. To get the free CNR service, existing Linspire or Freespire users must create a new free CNR Service account.

Its the default way to install and update software in Freespire. It's a extraordinary invention. It allows the Freespire user to browse catalogs of software and install them by simply clicking on them. CNR is definitely the most easy-to-use software installation and maintenance framework on “ANY” operating system today. Every one who chooses to use it will love the tight integration with the Freespire interface. Other package managers on other desktop operating systems seem like an after thought.

For those who don't know...

CNR stands for "click and run".

  • With the CNR Service you can install more than 2,000 FREE Linux software titles direct from the CNR Warehouse - all with just a single click.

  • In fact, the CNR Service is the easiest way to install Linux software. Simply click the software you want and it installs on your computer and is ready to run.
  • And the CNR Service gives you more than just one-click access to tons of free software.

  • You also get a powerful, easy way to manage your entire software library. Like customizable aisles where you can install entire groups of software with a single click. Perfect for setting up a new computer!

Freespire 1.0 includes tailor-made versions of Firefox , Thunderbird and Gaim They all come with spell checking and translators baked in. OpenOffice 2.0.3 is also included. These customizations has made those software applications unmatched in free-as-beer distro world. Freespire also comes with software developed by Linspire such as Lsongs the ultimate all-in-one application. You can stream your favorite Internet radio stations with an its elegant drag-and-drop interface. With Lsongs you can Import and convert an hundreds of audio tracks from your CDs. .Lsongs displays artists, song titles and even CD cover artwork of your favorite music. You can even create CDs from your playlists without requiring additional CD-burning software.

Things like synaptic, adept or aptitude are not installed by default, by they are easily added through the use of apt-get.

Or install the klik. You can you can place its CMG (Compressed iMaGe) files anywhere on your computer and run it and it won’t interfere with your system files. No longer want the program, simply delete that CMG file. Its gone-no mess to clean up.

Linspire will release a new open-source CNR client in December as part of Freespire 1.1.


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